Pathology Lab
Massachusetts Eye Research and Surgery Institution (MERSI) offers a CLIA certified diagnostic immunopathology laboratory for ocular tissue.
We are pleased to announce that our Laboratory Director is Dr. Stephen R. Lyle, M.D., Ph.D. After finishing his clinical fellowship in the Harvard Combined Dermatopathology Program, Dr. Lyle joined the staff at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center as an Assistant Professor of Harvard Medical School. In 2005, he moved to the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where he continues to teach as an Associate Professor. Dr. Lyle has extensive experience in
immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical analysis of tissues in both clinical and research settings.
Diagnostic Services Available:
1. Routine Histopathology
2. Immunopathology (size of tissue no less than 3x5mm2)
a. Immunofluorescence
b. Immunoperoxidase
Instructions for Specimen Submission: Please follow one of these procedures for tissue submission.
Procedure 1
The tissue can be fixed in O.C.T. and sent immediately in sufficient dry ice by overnight mailing. This is the ideal mode of submission and gives the best results.
Procedure 2
Alternatively, immerse the specimen in ZEUS fixative solution. The specimen can then be sent to us via express mail service in the ZEUS fixative solution. We can then embed it in Tissue-Tek O.C.T. compound for cryostat sectioning.
Physicians interested in sending ocular tissue samples for diagnostic analysis should contact Dr. Zhao at 781-891-6377 for details on required patient information and packaging requirements.
If you live in California, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Washington D.C., please call Scott Evans at 617-620-8033 before submitting specimens.
Our Physicians
All of our physicians have completed Fellowships in their specialty.
C. Stephen Foster, MD, FACS, FACR
Stephen D. Anesi, MD, FACS
Partner and Co-President
Peter Y. Chang, MD, FACS
Partner and Co-President
Peter L. Lou, MD