Uveitis: A Quick Guide to Essential Diagnosis
Editors: C. Stephen Foster, Stephen D. Anesi, Peter Y. Chang
Focusing solely on uveitis care, this quick reference guide will provide a compiled and easy to navigate differential diagnosis – making an often daunting task for clinicians easier, quicker, and more accurate by using a concise outline format to list the most critical aspects of a disease entity.
Uveitis: A Quick Guide to Essential Diagnosis opens with a Diagnosis Flowchart, so that the reader can select the most probable diagnoses based on patient’s history and exam. From there the reader can then quickly turn to the corresponding chapter to learn about the most critical aspects of the disease entity: epidemiology, characteristic exam and imaging findings, prognostic factors, and treatment options.
This book is written for ophthalmic care providers including general ophthalmologists, subspecialists, fellows, residents and optometrists and features research and contributions from institutions that are global leaders in uveitis care.
The Sclera
Editors: Maite Sainz de la Maza, Joseph Tauber, C. Stephen Foster
The Sclera is the definitive text on the diagnosis and treatment of scleral diseases, with in-depth chapters on non-infectious scleritis, infectious sclertitis, non-inflammatory diseases of the sclera, and systemic implications of scleral disease. Basic physiology, anatomy, and biochemistry are addressed as well. Written for the ophthalmologist, the revised and updated new edition of The Sclera contains the most current information available on newer characterizations of the composition of the sclera, immune derangements of it, and success in medical and surgical treatment of the inflammatory diseases of the sclera.
Uveitis and Immunological Disorders
Editors: Uwe Pleyer, C. Stephen Foster
Te series Essentials in Ophthalmology was initi- to discuss clinically relevant and appropriate t- ated two years ago to expedite the timely trans- ics. Summaries of clinically relevant information fer of new information in vision science and have been provided throughout each chapter. evidence-based medicine into clinical practice. Each subspecialty area now has been covered We thought that this prospicient idea would be once, and the response to the frst eight volumes moved and guided by a resolute commitment in the series has been enthusiastically positive. to excellence. It is reasonable to now update our With the start of the second cycle of subspecialty readers with what has been achieved. coverage, the dissemination of practical informa- Te immediate goal was to transfer informa- tion will be continued as we learn more about tion through a high quality quarterly publication the emerging advances in various ophthalmic in which ophthalmology would be represented by subspecialties that can be applied to obtain the eight subspecialties. In this regard, each issue has best possible care of our patients. Moreover, we had a subspecialty theme and has been overseen will continue to highlight clinically relevant – by two internationally recognized volume edi- formation and maintain our commitment to – tors, who in turn have invited a bevy of experts cellence. G. K. Krieglstein R. N. Weinreb Series Editors Preface Tis second volume of Uveitis and Immunologi- tions, herpes keratitis and ocular toxoplasmosis, cal Disorders in the Essentials in Ophthalmology which still remain sight-threatening disorders.
Childhood Uveitis
Editors: Foster, C.S., Anesi, S., Gonzalez, L., Palafox, S.
Monograph from the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation’s Symposium on Childhood Uveitis held on August 7, 2010 in Cambridge, MA.
This monograph is based on the lectures delivered by the following experts in the field, Janice Arnold, David Chu, MD, David Hinkle, MD, C. Egla Rabinovich, MD, MPH, C. Michael Samson, MD,MBA, H. Nida Sen, MD, MCHc, Howard H. Tessler, MD, Patrick Whelan, MD, PhD, and Dr. Foster.
The Cornea
Editors: Foster, C.Stephen; Azar, Dimitri T.; Dohlman, Claes H.
Smolin and Thoft’s The Cornea is often praised as the best available source of information on corneal and external disease. This new edition, with its greatly expanded color atlas section, continues to provide guidance on diagnosing and managing problems associated with the cornea. It is now fully updated and contains additional information on corneal surgery, refractive surgery, and stem cell grafting, and a new chapter on optical and therapeutic contact lenses.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis – Second Edition
Editors: Foster CS, Vitale A. 2012
The book discusses on various approaches made to diagnose and treat uveitis. It deals with certain concepts of chronic inflammation and the ways to control them. It also includes clinical trials and evidence-based medicine in the medical management of uveitis, emergent viral infections, other vector-borne parasitic infections, pediatric uveitis and pregnancy and uveitis. Several new ocular and systemic imaging tools such as color fundus photography, fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, optical coherence tomography, multifocal electroretinography, slit-lamp photography and so on are discussed in detail. All these tools used for ocular imaging studies help in determining the activity and extent of intraocular inflammation, detection of ocular complications and causes of visual loss, as well as monitoring response to therapy. The book divided into six sections which include basic principles, principles of diagnosis and therapy, the uveitis syndromes-infectious and noninfectious uveitis, the uveitis syndromes-masquerade syndromes, the uveitis syndromes-autoimmune and other uveitic entities.
Our Physicians
All of our physicians have completed Fellowships in their specialty.
C. Stephen Foster, MD, FACS, FACR
Stephen D. Anesi, MD, FACS
Partner and Co-President
Peter Y. Chang, MD, FACS
Partner and Co-President
Peter L. Lou, MD